Organized by Giovanni Pezzulo, Cyriel Pennartz, Lars Muckli, Christopher Summerfield
An overarching theoretical framework is emerging that describes the brain as a predictive machine, which acquires internal generative models (mostly, in unsupervised way) and uses them to continuously infer what is out there (perception) and what to do (action). However, the theory is incompletely specified and different researchers have different intuitions about it. Furthermore, the ways the brain might implement predictive processing and inference remains poorly understood. This workshop brings together modelers and neuroscientists to develop a research agenda within HBP to study the mechanisms of predictive coding, inference and unsupervised learning (PRECISE brains). The 2-day workshop focuses on two main questions, of "formalizing precise brains" (day 1) and "testing precise brains empirically" (day 2).
The registration is free however mandatory due to a limited number of seats.
Rafal Bogacz (University of Oxford) Georg Keller (Friedrich Miescher Institute) Jakob Jordan (University of Bern) Mate Lengyel (University of Cambridge) Rosalyn Moran (University of Bristol) Lars Muckli (University of Glasgow) Cyriel Pennartz (University of Amsterdam) Giovanni Pezzulo (ISTC CNR) Arjun Rao (Graz University of Technology) Peggy Series (University of Edinburgh) Christopher Summerfield (University of Oxford)